Free Lessons
How Master Patterns Work on the Guitar After releasing my video 'Minor Pentatonic Scale in Any Key & Position Using Just ONE Pattern', I received a[...]
Open to Moveable Chords – Play All 12 Major Chords (CAGED Part 1)
Transform the five Open Major chords into Moveable Chords that allow you to play any of the Major chords you need.
Proof of Instant Recall with Guitar Notes
Think it's impossible to recall note names in 2 seconds or less? Watch and see for yourself!
Developing Instant Recall with Fretboard Notes
In this video, you'll not only find out why it's completely possible for anyone to do, but you will also learn six principles to help you achieve it for yourself!
Download my Free Guitar E-Book
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Yngwie Etude – The First Thing I Could Play Fast On My Guitar
Learn the very first thing that I could play fast on my guitar. It will help you improve picking accuracy and is just plain fun to play!
Compression Stealing Your Shred Gains?
In this video lesson, you will get the breakdown of how compression affects your guitar practice, especially when it comes to developing your technique. You will also learn how to work with different guitar tones to minimize the negative effects of compression and take back your shred skills.
Why You Struggle With Music Theory & What to Do About It
Learn eight reasons why you've likely struggled as a guitarist to learn music theory. And for each one, I give you ways to overcome them which you can start using today.
A Better Way to Practice Scales on Your Guitar
In the video above, I breakdown why practicing the "traditional" way can causes problems in your understanding of the fretboard and provide you with a simple approach to practicing scales which will help you use your scales in becoming more musical.
How long should you practice guitar every day?
How much practice do you really need on a daily basis? Do you have to spend an hour or more each day in order to improve or is 5-10 minutes enough to improve? Find out in this video lesson.
Minor Pentatonic Scale in Any Key & Position Using Just ONE Pattern
Download a PDF version of this lesson here
Make Playing Bar Chords Easier With One Simple Movement
Learning to play bar chords on your guitar is really tough in the beginning. Compared to open chords like G[...]
Burless String Changes – Guitar Restringing Lesson Recorded this several years for my private students, but have been asked to post it up for all. Enjoy!
Scales Sequences Lesson Introductory lesson on Scale Sequences. Download tab for Scale Sequences here.
Guitar Chords Connections Part 2
This is the second in the Guitar Chords Connection series. If you haven't read Part 1 yet, I recommend going[...]
Guitar Chords Connections Part 1
Guitar chords make up a large portion of what you're going to end up playing on your guitar. Even music[...]
Learn Guitar Chords As Quickly As Possible
One of the most important areas to develop as a guitar is your ability to play chords. As a beginner[...]
3-String Chords That You Need to Know Pt. 1
In this lesson, you will be learning the first eight 3-string chords that are the best to learn first when[...]
The Best Guitar Chords to Learn When First Starting To Play The Guitar
Okay, so you've got yourself a guitar and are looking to learn the basics. You'd like to be able to[...]
9 Things I Wish My Guitar Teacher Had Taught Me Right From the Beginning
I've studied with a music teacher ever since I began playing piano at 8 years old. Over the years, there were[...]
The Power of Vocal Affirmations for Guitar Players
Profile view of a business man with a megaphone, isolated on white background[/caption]Over many years of learning and teaching students[...]
12 Undeniable Signs That Your Guitar Playing Skills Are Out of Balance
There are fives essential areas to develop when it comes to improving your guitar playing skills. These five areas not[...]
9 Lessons Learned From Bodybuilders That Will Make You an Unstoppable Guitarist
I have been avid fitness enthusiast for about as long as I've been a guitarist. I started learning about strength[...]
How One Thing Completely Revolutionized the Way I Improvise
I remember the first time I learned what improvising was… It was 2002. I was a nerdy 16-year-old kid in[...]