A very common key in music is the key of A Major. This makes knowing the A Major scale guitar notes across the entire fretboard very useful.
Every Major key follows the same musical spacing starting from its Root Note:
Tone – Tone – Semi-tone – Tone – Tone – Tone – Semi-tone
Following this sequence, the key of G guitar notes are:
A – B – C# – D# – E – F# – G# – D
Below is a diagram you can use to learn all of the A Major scale guitar notes across the fretboard:

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Key Signature
The key signature for the A Major scale guitar notes contains three (3) sharps.

The accidentals for the A Major scale guitar notes are:
F# – C# – G#
Here is an example of the A Major scale guitar notes written in guitar tablature including the Treble Clef.

How to Memorize the A Major Scale Guitar Notes
Just looking at the messy diagram above, it comes as no surprise that memorizing all of the A Major scale guitar notes can be a real challenge.
Believe it or not, it is actually more difficult to do on the guitar than on most other instruments!
Over the years playing and teaching guitar, I have found that the secret to truly memorizing the A Major scale guitar notes is exposure.
Exposure means that you have seen them and thought about them so many times that you just know them. This is similar to how you probably still remember your childhood telephone number or any other numbers that you need to use regularly.
But, how do you maximize your exposure to the A Major scale guitar notes in order to get them down as quickly as possible?
To help you learn and memorize them all across the fretboard, I have created the “Finally Learn the Notes of Your Guitar” training course.
You can learn all about the course here.
This course will teach you where all of the A Major scale guitar notes are, as well as all of the other notes on the fretboard, too. It will also train you to memorize them once and for all!
If you have any questions or comments about the guitar notes, please post them below.